■ Awards
・The Yomiuri Award, the 45th Japan Crafts Exhibition, Japan Crafts Design,2006.The 45th Japan Crafts Exhibition Selected, Japan Crafts Design,2006.
・Akari-Art Award, Mino-Washi "Akari-Art" Contest and Exhibition, Mino City, 2004. Light-up Award, (2001,2009), Selected(2000,2002,2003,2005,2006,2007,2008)
・Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Award, "Town planning idea competition of Morioka", Urban design Center Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport/Japan,2003.
・Chairman of Urban design Center Awards "Furusato-no-machizukuri exhibition", Urban design Center Japan, 1998.
■ Exhibition
・Jan.26–Feb.24 2017, "Washi Paper, Cultural Heritage and Artistic Creativity", Artist and Director of the exhibition, The Nippon Gallery at The Nippon Club, Newyork/USA.
・Jan.2–Mar.6 2016, "Terasuhikari-to-Terasarerumono, Koji Shibazaki Exhibition", Exhibition, Furukawa Art Museum, Nagoya/Japan.
・Dec.20-Feb.28 2014-2015, "Akari of Nouveau and Light of Deco", Exhibition(René Lalique,Koji Shibazaki), Lalique Museum, Hakone/Japan.
・Oct.11–14 2013, "Washi-no-akari-asobi/Kyu-Iwasaki-tei", Exhibition of the autumn event, Kyu-Iwasaki-tei, Tokyo/Japan.
・Nov.23-Dec.1 2014, "JAPON Tradition et modernite (Le Washi,Textile et Calliigraphie)", Group exhibition, Musée d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux/France
・Nov.3–30 2011,Exhibition, The Residence of the Ishitani Family, Chizu-cho,Tottori/Japan.
・Mar.24–Apr.18 2010, "Washi-no-akari-asobi", Group exhibition, Furukawa Art Museum, Nagoya/Japan.
■ Permanent works (Design and Artwork)
・Dec 2015, "Flag of paper", Nagoya University Asian Legal Exchange Plaza , Nagoya/Japan
・Mar 2016, Lighting works of "MARUGOTO NIPPON Kura", Tokyo Asakusa/Japan
・Dec 2013-, Restaurant Nippon(155 East 52nd Street NYC), Display of the Japanese-style room, Newyork/ USA
・Mar 2008, Kotono-Yorozuhano-Ejyu, , Mural painting of Japanese Washi, Nara Gakuen Tomigaoka Campus.